The Higher You Build Your Barrier..
A home for some of the good news stories that I come across and some stories of tall spirits to inspire us all to help make the world the place we all want to live in.
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Largest marine protection ever created - The Wilderness Society

Sunday, 11 March 2012
Seattle's First Urban Food Forest Will Be Open To Foragers
Now, Washington state has jumped on the foraging bandwagon with plans to develop a 7-acre public plot into a food forest. The kicker? The lot sits smack in the middle of Seattle.
The idea is to give members of the working-class neighborhood of Beacon Hill the chance to pick plants scattered throughout the park – dubbed the Beacon Food Forest. It will feature fruit-bearing perennials — apples, pears, plums, grapes, blueberries, raspberries and more.
Over Half of Germany’s Renewable Energy Owned By Citizens & Farmers, Not Utility Companies
Over Half of Germany’s Renewable Energy Owned By Citizens & Farmers, Not Utility Companies
from TreeHugger, by Mathew McDermott, January , 2012Germany’s promotion of renewable energy rightly gets singled out for its effectiveness, most often by me as an example of how to do things well versus the fits and starts method of promotion common in the US. Over at Wind-Works, Paul Gipe points out another interesting facet of the German renewable energy saga: 51% of all renewable energy in Germany is owned by individual citizens or farms, totaling $100 billion worth of private investment in clean energy.
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Newsletter - Leadbeater’s Possum
From: MyEnvironment Inc <subscription@myenvironment.org.au>
Date: 6 March 2012 12:03:26 GMT
Subject: Newsletter
Reply-To: MyEnvironment Inc <subscription@myenvironment.org.au>
It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment - Ansell Adams
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Big thank you!
Case closed for consideration - a time to say thank you
The Sylvia Creek court case came to a close on February 21, 2012 after a two week hearing in the Supreme Court of Victoria and five months of intense preparation. Big bunches of flowers were handed to the legal team in court to say 'thank you' - maybe a precedent for them? It certainly was for us.
A large collective of people and groups have been behind this challenge. This was a massive case to run on every front. Personally, our family were incredibly tolerant - a huge thanks to my father who was instrumental in keeping us fed and the dog with food in her bowl.
Our community is blessed with people who put themselves second to what needs to be done for the environment. Locals like; Steve M, Liz and Bernie, Tab, Sera, Don B, Trent, Vik and tiny Jarrah. Jill and David, Lorraine, Ray and Marion, Mal and Evonne, Chris and Mark, Toby and Deanne, Gav, Luke, Poppy, Zoe, Rosie and Ben, Sarah C, Andy, Simone, Cathy, John F, Luke, Lynne, Karen, Mary and the Earthsong Brothers and Sisters, Karena, Pam, Emma, Tony, Rupert and Jules, Good Will Wine, The Zoo Crew, Deano and Buckleys, Cathy and the crew at Mud Glass Metal for the donations that will feature in an exhibition. Samantha Dunn (and family) for their tireless support always. Thank you Tim. Thank you to the Warburton community - Christian, Maya, Karina, Simon, Kirsty, Keith, Melissa, Peter, Rosie, Ben A and many more.
Thank you to Megan in the office for handling the swell in donations - an impressive effort given the task is usually a lot less daunting.
Thank you to the countless members of the local community who helped when they could and in many important ways, whether with food or money or a letter in the local.
Thank you to Karena Goldfinch and Brent Lukey for their photography of Sylvia Creek and its defenders.
Thank you to the myriad of supporters from Melbourne - The Melbourne New Folk mob, Luke Chamberlain, Warwick, Pia, Geraldine, Trier, Scotty, Richard and the larger WAG contingent. John P, Lauren and the Friends of the Earth crew, Nicola, Ula and the Last Stand crew.
Big thanks to Jacques Cop, his wife and girls and his team for the many, many hours of time you gave to this case. Thank you to Lawyers for Forests Glen and co. Thanks to AFCA and the Vic Forest Alliance and for the use of everyones lists to raise the capital thus far for this case.
Thank you to financial investors like my friend John, Coalition of the Willing to Save Wildlife, Live and Learn, Friends of Leadbeaters, Healesville Environment Watch Inc., Mt Evelyn Environment Protection and Progress Association, Markets for Change,The Wilderness Society, Richard, Chris and some wonderful anonymous donors.
Thank you to everyone who faced arrests so that we could finish the surveys (16 of you at last count), suffering bitterly cold conditions and police dogs. Thank you to the many who forfeited paid work to give their time to this case. Thank you to those who gave of their pension, gave of their salary, gave of their pocket money. Thank you to the incredible local and city court supporters, some travelling 4 hours a day to sit in. Thank you to Search and Rescue who showed respect to the protestors but we have to say that the use of dogs on innocent people was a bad idea. (This matter is now being investigated officially).
Thank you to Environment East Gippsland for having the courage to go first and for sending out our appeal. Jill Redwood and her team are fearless leaders.
It has been an honor to work with the legal team. Our Senior Counsel Kristen Walker, a brilliant and highly skilled barrister, was described by a member as "an extraordinarily intelligent woman with a forensic mind..it doesn't get more dangerous". Thank you to our Junior Counsel Emrys Nevkapil for providing exceptional insight, strategy and being the only bloke on the legal team, well, that speaks for itself. Thank you to Ms Vanessa Bleyer, the woman that has legally challenged the destruction of Australia's forests across the borders. Bleyer Lawyers are a slick, all female unit of conservation lawyers that are authentically charitable and truly understand the problems facing the planet. Every capital city needs one.
Thank you to Professor David Lindenmayer for his advice and expert testimony on the Leadbeater's Possum. His work has carved the cradle needed to save this little marsupial, the forest in which it inhabits and the water that flows from it. Professor Lindenmayer is a wonder of the science world. Even VicForests' Michael Ryan described him as an 'extremely prolific writer'. Lindenmayer is a profoundly gifted scientist whose dedication to Australia's landscapes and wildlife have earned him global respect. It's been an honor.
The ANU research team; David Blair and Lachie McBurnie - more common in our forests than Leadbeater's and actually capable of leaping Corea in a single bound. Their knowledge of the foests was an important resource for the Legal Counsel. Thank you.
The costs of this case was, and continues to be, challenging. As we were nearing the court commencement date we saw the costs double when VicForests introduced the economic argument into the mix. This required new experts like forest economics expert Dr Judith Ajani. Ajani's discerning defense virtually rendered VicForests' counsel mute and was a day in court I will never forget.
VicForests' team also requested luxuries like electronic transcripts and we had airfares for more specialists as they attempted to unpick our case. During the trial many people invested, some have even invested several times over. In total, $117,000 has been contributed and we still have another $123,000 outstanding in bills and invoices for legal and expert advisors.
The good news is that change is underfoot in how the government are handling the threat of logging on wildlife. There appear to be new priorities for the agencies running the forests and you have yourselves to to thank for this. Win or lose, we have already changed the priority of government for the Leadbeater's Possum.
During the trial, the first ever scientifically studied colony of Leadbeater's Possum on Lake Mountain went extinct. In a desperate race against time Zoo's Vic have taken the last three possums and are keeping them close whilst they figure out what to do. This was a dramatic moment in the case and has driven home how quickly large colonies can collapse. This colony was genetically distinct from other populations.
To see the results of your investment, have a look at some of the exhibits and transcripts. The maps that will ultimately tell the story will be uploaded over the next day or so - feedback on the best way to present them online is most welcome (they are large PDFs) sarah@myenvironment.org.au.
Be as proud to be part of this case as we are, Australia is one of the few countries that people can give a voice to the voiceless. Inspite of the politics, Australia is a very special place.
The Transcripts are available.
The Defendant's exhibits from the case are available.
The Plaintiff's exhibits from the case are available .
Thank you,
Sarah Rees and the Team.
Important news:
At the end of this month, VicForests are facing criminal proceedings, brought by the DSE, in the Orbost Magistrates court for the alleged logging of rainforest in East Gippsland.
In Early April, VicForests will again face the Supreme Court, brought by Environment East Gippsland, for the alleged unlawful logging of rainforests on the edge of the Errinundra National Park.
The Syrian people's gift to us
Dear friends,
Powered by millions of online actions and donations from 75,000 of us, our community is playing a central role in supporting the Syrian people as they persist in peaceful protest against all odds. Together, we're empowering citizen journalism, smuggling in medical supplies and western journalists, and much more. We're making a difference, but the staggering bravery of the Syrian people is their gift to the rest of us. Read this email for the full story, or look at this recent media coverage of Avaaz's work on Syria: BBC, CNN, El Pais, TIME, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, AFP.
This morning, 4 western journalists are home safe with their families, the echoes of the horror and heroism of Baba Amr still ringing in their ears. Over 50 Syrian activists, supported by Avaaz, volunteered to rescue them and scores of wounded civilians from the Syrian army's killzone. Many of those incredible activists have not survived the week.
Abu Hanin is one of the heroes. He's 26, a poet, and when his community needed him, he took the lead in organizing the citizen journalists that Avaaz has supported to help the voices of Syrians reach the world. The last contact with Abu Hanin was on Thursday, as regime troops closed in on his location. He read his last will and testament to the Avaaz team in Beirut, and told us where he had buried the bodies of the two western journalists killed in the shelling. Since then, his neighborhood of Baba Amr has been a black hole, and we still don't know his fate.
It's easy to despair when seeing Syria today, but to honour the dead, we must carry forward the hope they died with. As Baba Amr went dark and fears of massacre spread, Syrians took to the streets -- yet again -- across the country, in a peaceful protest that showed staggering bravery.
Their bravery is our lesson, the gift of the Syrian people to the rest of us. Because in their spirit, in their courage to face the worst darkness our world has to offer, a new world is being born.
And in that new world, the Syrian people are not alone. Millions of us from every nation have stood with them time and time again, right from the beginning of their struggle. Nearly 75,000 of us have donated almost $3 million to fund people-powered movements and deliver high-tech communications equipment to help them tell their story, and enable the Avaaz team to help smuggle in over $2 million worth of medical supplies. We've taken millions of online actions to push for action from the Security Council and the Arab League and for sanctions from many countries, and delivered those online campaigns in dozens of stunts, media campaigns and high-level advocacy meetings with top world leaders. Together we've helped win many of these battles, including for unprecedented action by the Arab League, and oil sanctions from Europe.
Our team in Beirut has also provided a valuable communications hub for brave and skilled activists to coordinate complex smuggling operations and the rescue of the wounded and the journalists. Avaaz does not direct these activities, but we facilitate, support and advise. We have also established safe houses for activists, and supported the outreach and diplomatic engagement of the Syrian National Council -- the opposition movement's fledgling political representative body. Much of the world's major media have covered Avaaz's work to help the Syrian people, including features on BBC, CNN, El Pais, TIME, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, AFP and many more, citing our "central role" in the Syrian peaceful protest movement.
Today, a dozen more nightmares like that visited on the city of Homs are unfolding across Syria. The situation will get worse before it gets better. It will be bloody, and complicated, and as some protesters take up arms to defend themselves, the line between right and wrong will blur. But President Assad's brutal regime will fall, and there will be peace, and elections, and accountability. The Syrian people simply will not stop until that happens -- and it may happen sooner than we all think.
Every expert told us at the beginning that an uprising in Syria was unthinkable. But we sent in satellite communications equipment anyway. Because our community knows something that the experts and cynics don't -- that people power and a new spirit of citizenship are sweeping our world today, and they are fearless, and unstoppable, and will bring hope to the darkest places. Marie Colvin, an American journalist covering the violence in Homs, told Avaaz before she died, "I'm not leaving these people." And neither will we.
With hope, and admiration for the Syrian people and courageous citizens everywhere,
Ricken, Wissam, Stephanie, Alice, David, Antonia, Will, Sam, Emma, Wen-Hua, Veronique and the whole Avaaz team
P.S. If you want to do more, click here to help keep our lifeline of hope into Syria open:
https://secure.avaaz.org/en/smuggle_hope_into_syria_rb//?vl <http://open.avaaz.org/act/open/1640512043.gif>
Avaaz.org is a 13-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 13 countries on 4 continents and operates in 14 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.
This message was sent to p.bickmore@gmail.com. To change your email address, language, or other information, contact us via this form. To unsubscribe, send an email to unsubscribe@avaaz.org or click here.
To contact Avaaz, please do not reply to this email. Instead, write to us at www.avaaz.org/en/contact or call us at +1-888-922-8229 (US).
The only impossible journey is the one you never began.
Friday, 10 February 2012
Ecuador Ministry of Health Investigates and Closes Ex- Gay Torture Clinics
"After ten years of outcry, the nation of Ecuador -- through the Ministry of Public Health -- has entered into a commitment with civic organizations, and society in general, to deconstruct the belief that homosexuality is an illness and root out the use of torture in these clinics. We extend our thanks to all the men and women who signed our petition -- it's been an invaluable support in starting to change this reality." - petition creator, Fundacion Causana
Saturday, 21 January 2012
Solar subsidy cuts: government offers compromise
SOPA Got Stopped: Stop Online Piracy Bill Actually Dead
Live music red tape likely to be relaxed
Live music red tape likely to be relaxed
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Earth Day Network - cutting emissions victory
According to the EPA, reduced emissions from this new air toxics rule will save as many as 17,000 American lives per year by 2015, and will prevent up to 120,000 cases of childhood asthma. On the rule that took 20 years to finalize, EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson said “by cutting emissions that are linked to developmental disorders and respiratory illnesses like asthma, these standards represent a major victory for clean air and public health – and especially for the health of our children.”
Great news from The Soil Association
We started the year under the threat of legal action simply for voicing our concerns about a proposed new 'mega farm' in Derbyshire. Midland Pig Producers submitted a planning application to build a mega pig unit in Foston, Derbyshire, for 2,500 sows and 20,000 piglets. The Soil Association made a formal objection to the plans based on the threat we believe this type of farming system can pose to human health.
You supported us with your petition signatures and donations and the campaign really gathered momentum, and over 13,000 written objections were submitted.
After months of wrangling, South Derbyshire District Council finally rejected the proposed plans. Derbyshire County Council is expected to announce the final decision in the next couple of months.
Our strategy
We launched our new strategy earlier in the year: 'The Road to 2020 Towards healthy, humane and sustainable food, farming and land use'.Building on our past successes, and putting a strong emphasis on innovation and on reaching out to a wider audience, the strategy is based around two major themes: ‘facing the future’ and ‘good food for all’, underpinned by an ongoing commitment to 'enabling change'. If you’ve not already had a look – read it here.
Food for Life Partnership
The year has finished in wonderful style with the Soil Association led Food for Life Partnership awarded the prestigious BBC Radio 4 Derek Cooper Award at the Radio 4 Food & Farming Awards.
For five years the Soil Association and its partners in the project have been working with schools and communities across England to transform their food cultures, and the award is fitting recognition for the impact the scheme has had. As Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, talking about the Food for Life Partnership at the ceremony, said:
‘The positive effect of the work is absolutely unambiguous. It’s proven academically, but more to the point, it’s proven in the bright eyes and busy attitude of the kids and the fantastic commitment of the headteachers... It couldn’t be more important and we have to see this succeed.’
Now, at the end of 2011, the Food for Life Partnership is celebrating:
• 4,250 Food for Life Partnership schools
• 28% more children eating five or more portions of fruit and veg in Partnership primary schools
• a five-fold increase in trading community supported agriculture projects during the last four years
• over 450,000 Catering Mark meals served every day
• improved welfare assurance inspections for up to 5 million laying chickens
Thank you again for all your incredible support and we look forward to working with you in 2012.
The Soil Association
Avaaz victories
Avaaz has become one of the most powerful people-powered organisations for good. They just sent this, and it makes great reading! | ||||
Avaaz is on fire, at 10.5 million people and rising fast. But we're also deepening our activism -- and with the combination of depth and huge numbers, we're winning, over and over again. Scroll down to see some great examples from the last several weeks. We're not just effectively delivering petitions, we're running safe houses and smuggling routes to protect democratic movements, challenging corporations by bringing lawsuits or calling all their shareholders, donating millions to equip human rights defenders with the latest technology, and powerfully delivering the voices of our community direct and in person to presidents, billionaires, ambassadors and cabinet ministers. It's working -- scroll down to see how. In recent weeks alone, we've helped win victories on everything from banning cluster bombs and sanctioning Syria to saving the Internet and the UN climate treaty: |
Wissam Tarif, a friendly Avaaz campaigner -- called “the most dangerous man in the world” by Syria’s brutal regime When no other organization could, our network smuggled in over $1 million USD of vital emergency relief to communities under brutal siege in Syria. We also smuggled activists and their families, at risk of torture or death, out of the country. Our secret safe houses shelter dozens of top activists from regime thugs, giving them a protected base from which to operate. Assad’s murderous regime is not happy about it -- Syrian state TV called our campaigner “the most dangerous man in the world” to the regime. We’ve also matched front-line support to democratic movements with fierce global lobbying of our governments to squeeze brutal regimes -- millions of Avaazers successfully campaigned for powerful European oil sanctions and Arab League sanctions on Syria. |
An Avaaz member sports our giant Murdoch head at a protest outside British Parliament. From London to L.A., Giant Murdoch appeared at protests all over the world It was the biggest deal of Murdoch’s career, growing his extremist global media empire by 50% through acquiring a huge UK-based company -- BSkyB. Everyone said we couldn’t stop it, but Avaaz members thought differently, sending 668,784 messages and 30,000 phone calls to members of the UK Parliament, and running stunt after stunt as well as 2 opinion polls that showed massive public opposition. Avaaz was also the only organization to promise to legally challenge the government in court if they approved the Murdoch deal. The Minister responsible for the deal was so rattled that he repeatedly postponed approval for months, publicly blaming Avaaz. The delay gave us space to build awareness of a huge corruption scandal in the Murdoch empire until finally, the deal was dead. We haven’t stopped there -- we need to roll back the Murdoch threat and fundamentally reform our corrupt media. Avaazers recently used our new tool to call all the shareholders in Murdoch’s biggest companies, NewsCorp and BskyB, creating the largest shareholder rebellions in the companies’ histories! And in Australia, where Murdoch controls 70% of the print media -- we helped defeat Murdoch's attempt to snatch a $223 million TV contract from the public broadcaster and pushed the government to create a far-reaching inquiry into Murdoch and media reform. |
Leaders of the march closed their speeches by pointing to the Avaaz banner and stating: “We have the support of the whole world!” Avaaz staff delivered our petition to top Bolivian cabinet ministers in a long and stormy meeting. Our widespread solidarity strengthened the legitimacy of the indigenous protesters whom Morales tried to marginalize, and threatened his desired reputation as an environmentalist. The pressure worked! After our campaign, Morales canceled construction, repealed the decision granting permission for the project, and pledged to protect the impacted TIPNIS national park and indigenous territory -- the crown jewel of the Bolivian Amazon -- forever! We'll hold him to that promise. |
Our massive petition was delivered by a cluster bomb survivor to the French chair of the conference Many delegates used our petition to strengthen their arguments in negotiations. Our powerful banner, placed right outside the conference room -- together with 1000 fliers that the Avaaz team plastered throughout the conference center -- sent an unmistakable reminder to the negotiators about the opposition they faced back home. The US initiative failed -- together we helped save the lives of thousands of innocent civilians. |
More than 800,000 Avaaz members fought to save the Kyoto Protocal at the climate meeting in South Africa EU Climate Chief Connie Hedegaard said: "Thanks to the over 800,000 people from around the world -- your voices made a vital impact at the end of the talks.” |
Avaaz campaigner Maria Paz Cambronero delivers our petition to top White House officials President Obama’s team responded, and Avaaz organized a 1 hour meeting with top White House officials to deliver the petition. We’ve now been told privately that Obama is likely to oppose the bill as it stands. When we started, insiders all told us the bill could not be stopped, now they’re all telling us the bill may soon be dead in its current form -- that’s people power! |
Avaaz members campaign against corruption in India We helped win that round -- a bill is coming before Parliament now! The Times of India hailed Avaaz as "a key player in the Jan Lokpal initiative." |
Avaaz members and campaigner Giulia Innocenzi protest draconian limits on free speech Italian Avaazers sent 200,000 emails and flooded Facebook and Twitter. We mobilized hard-hitting public demonstrations covered by top media and shelved the law for good! Now Italian democracy is free from Berlusconi -- and we are still going strong. |
With hope,
Ricken, Dalia, Luis, Allison, Ari, Maria Paz, Wen-Hua and the entire Avaaz team
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Process desalinates water, produces hydrogen and treats wastewater
Bioengineered algae could be used to produce hydrogen from water
Biosolar hydrogen production with green algae
Pilot plant in UK cleans waste water and produces fuel
Friday, 18 November 2011
The U.S. State Department just announced it will delay making a final decision on the tar sands Keystone XL pipeline.
The Keystone XL pipeline extension would subject many communities to the risk of oil spills of the kind we’ve recently seen in Montana and Michigan. The migratory pattern of birds will also be disrupted and acres of wetlands will be no more. The process of extracting oil from tar sands spews toxins into the air, contaminates ground water and destroys farmland. The refinement of these tar sands also produce up to twice as much greenhouse gas emissions as regular crude oil.
We don't need to import environmental disaster! It's time we break the dependance on fossil fuels and turn to developing a sustainable form of energy for the future. Send a note of thanks to the White House and ask them to ultimately reject this pipeline.
-- The Earth Day Network Team
P.S. - What's Next: Earth Day 2012 is right around the corner. Join us as we mobilize the Earth!
Saturday, 8 October 2011
A message from All Out
You joined more than 46,000 people from all around the world asking FIFA to investigate charges that the coach of Nigeria’s women’s national football team was implementing homophobic policies--as reported by the New York Times.
We just received a letter from FIFA's Secretary General Jérôme Valcke announcing the first step of the investigation into Coach Uche's homophobia.
Our voices have been heard. Thank you for making this amazing victory possible!
'Like' our Facebook page, and we will keep you updated you as the investigation evolves.
All the best and All Out,
Andre, Erika, Guillaume, Jeremy, Joseph, Nita, Oli, Prerna, Tile, Wesley and the rest of the team at All Out
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Computing for Clean Water
The team at CNMM is investigating how water flows in nanotubes, using a computer-based simulation technique known as molecular dynamics. The ultimate goal of this research is deeper insight into how nanotubes and other porous nanomaterials can be used to build a new generation of cheap water filters, to alleviate the pressing demand for clean water in large parts of China and many other parts of the developing world.
To do these simulations with the sort of accuracy we need takes a lot of computing power, far more than is accessible to us currently. Volunteers provide this computing power by allowing some simulations to run using the idle time of the processor chips in their laptops and PCs, for example while they are writing emails or surfing the web. Indeed, when doing these common tasks, the processor is idle often more than 90% of the time, and using some of that idle time turns out to be energetically very efficient, since it only adds a few percent extra power to what the computer would otherwise consume.